“All change starts with a decision”

For us, leadership is not a career stage, a salary band or a title!

Leadership development  is about knowing yourself and the behaviours needed to create environments of self-belief, direction, followship and performance. We work hard to understand exactly what you want to achieve and use this to collaboratively design the right approach for both you and your organisation. 
At Illuminate Training, we believe that every individual we work with has the potential to be an exceptional leader. At the core of our approach we pause, inform, reflect, support and challenge. We empower leaders to make accountable decisions which positively impact their leadership brand. 
 Our facilitators work with leaders from some of the most well known brands across the UK and know what it takes to challenge thinking and deliver results.
It’s important to us that people enjoy the experience of working with Illuminate Training. However, equally important is our focus on long lasting change. 
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Together we can create a ‘development journey’ that will promote long lasting leadership growth.

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Working in the present, with those identified as future ‘high potential’, to realise and tap into the ‘what could be’.

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Not just another video conference! We use technology to deliver impactful, virtual events that stand out and deliver results

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We work with your existing frameworks of leadership, supporting leaders to demonstrate the behaviours you have recognised as key to your success. 

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When supporting your conference we will use story telling, emotional connection and thought challenge to deliver your key event outcomes.

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We can design and deliver one-off targeted learning events to help you close specific leadership gaps.

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We can help you create an event for your people that will stand out for years to come and delivers real value.